Objectives of KVK

  • To promptly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as extension workers of the State Department of Agriculture and allied to reduce the gap between the technology generation and its adoption.
  • To identify the technological and training needs of the farming community of the operational area. This may be carried out with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools or conducting scientific survey, group interviews and personal visits.
  • To test and verify the technologies in the farmer’s socio-economic conditions to study the production constraints and to modify the technologies to make them appropriate as well as to demonstrate the potentialities of various technologies which is recommended for their adoption in maximizing yield/income per unit of time and area under different resource conditions.
  • To impart training to the practicing farmers/farm women, rural youths and field level extension functionaries by following the method of “Teaching by Doing” and “Learning by Doing”.
  • To back up training and communication support to the district level development departments in their extension programmes and to develop and maintain functional relationship with the allied institutions.
  • To develop extension models to be adopted by general extension system for large scale multiplication.
  • To get first hand scientific feedback from the fields and passing it to the research system in order to keep the scientists abreast with the performance of the technologies and the farming problems.
  • To improve agricultural mechanization for entrepreneurship development in the field of agriculture and allied through transfer of economically viable and environmentally sound technologies.
  • To develop and maintain campus farms and demonstration units on scientific lines.
  • To compile all relevant recommendations/package of practices for the district to be meaningfully utilized in the training programmes and the follow-up extension activities